A homeless dog living on the streets gets rescued, transformed and is now looking for a home.

A homeless dog living on the streets gets rescued, transformed and is now looking for a home.
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Thank you for helping Hope For Paws pay for her extensive medical care for Bethany. Our website for more amazing videos: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
Bill Foundation will handle her adoption, so if you would like to

adopt her, please fill up an application here: http://www.billfoundation.org/#!adopt/c239
Please share this video so we can find her an amazing home.

Thanks 🙂


#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos


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  1. Eu nunca vou entender o que leva alguém abandonar um animal e deixar ele ficar nestas condições horríveis. Deus está vendo tudo.

  2. That poor dog was literally on death's door. I wish that more people took an active interest in helping rescue organizations like this, instead of worrying about 'buying more stuff' for themselves.

  3. I turned into a big baby on this video.  It's a hard thing for a big man to cry.  But I was so moved by the transformation and the change.  Absolutely amazing.  God Bless Hope For Paws, The Bill Foundation, their partners, associates and friends for the work they do.

  4. Even as ill as she was when picked up, those eyes were amazing! She’s a wise & gentle old soul, even if her body is young. In a different life, I’d have snapped her up in a heartbeat! So so SO happy you rescued her, Eldad! Thank you!

    (IMO – she deserved a more regal, refined moniker. “Bethany” is a lightweight, cheerleader-type name.)

  5. Always remember Man would not stand next to you in the Wind while my Dog was still standing next to me in the Storm. ( German Saying)

  6. Nice video you re are like Angels for these dogs and they are very thankful for your help , but on the other side when I think about those cruel people who abandons their dogs the anger inside me rages off

  7. I wish "Joel.Osteen" with so much ? fancy life feeding lazy wailfare people around the ? in his stadium ⛪ give some to the third shite hole Texas poor ? suffering? lots of fraud begger fraud lazy wailfare sharraby people don't want work get everything free why not these suffering dogs cats ? ??????

  8. Thank you so much Angel's of hope for paws for saving at her, god bless you all. May the lord our god pour a blessings to all of you ?????❤❤❤❤❤

  9. That dog is in complete disbelief, can see it in her eyes. And finally hope returns around 2:26. Love what youa re doing Eldad and team.

  10. Why didn't bills Foundation. help with her medical care that not right but at least she had the real angels at hope for paws taking ❤ of her

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