![Zoo Animals Attacks ? Zoo Animals That Don't Know What Glass Is [Funny Pets]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Zoo-Animals-Attacks-?-Zoo-Animals-That-Don39t-Know-What.jpg)
Dangerous animals! Be grateful for the glass!
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Funny Pets prepared for you a video of Zoo Animal Attacks , check it out!
So there you have it! Zoo Animal Attacks .
Горилла ребенком атака в Далласе зоопарке
Альбина Соболева
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Zoo Animal Attacks ★ When Dangerous Animals Don’t Know What Glass Is ! [SV Life]
SV Life
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What's not funny is them being able to break the glass if they really tried
Remove the glass, I want to to see that
I find it funny that people get scared even if they know its completely safe. It shows that our instincts of oh shit thats a predetor are still active
check out the sick weirdos (humans)
zoo= circus / goin to the zoo= i'm selfish and i want to enjoy myself (especially mammy and daddy)
So I'm going with gorilla to be that animal who will eventually break that glass wall..and like thanos destroy half of the planet
How stupid animals are. They don't even know that was a glass
Idk why, but I feel kinda bad for the animals… ??♂️
first clip:
big cat: "mmmmmmm lunch…" "bumbs into invisible wall"
Kid lion fights for kid.. sorry lion it's a mirror…
How is this funny. The kids are cute but this isn't a joke.
I wonder what if that glass breaks
What's so funny about this? If the glass wasn't there, these people would suffer horrible deaths!
We are easy freaking meals, we have no natural defenses if that glass wasn’t there all those people would be dead
Iam feeling sorry for these animals.
Glass gone down u all be dinner and they be laughing
Can't help but feel bad for these poor animals. There is nothing funny about this at all.
The glass should be one way. I wanna beat uh the shit out of people who let their kids beat on the glass
I’m on the animals side on this one.
I tried that LOL I was like “welp can’t get mee”
Wish the glass had broke
Lol this is actualy more cute than terrifying
Can you say "what if.."
Bro I would freak tf out if I would ever see these animals outside the cages & glass like they some real life killers dawg lbs I don’t see how ppl find it funny
Human beings are the worst !!!…
Then they blame the animals when they finally get us and kill the animal !…
Wenn ich teilweise sehe wie die Tiere in zoos behandelt werden dann ist das Verhalten kein Wunder mehr.znd dann die Tiere noch zu provozieren ist einfach unmenschlich Tiere gehören in die Freiheit
At first its the oooos and the ahhs then its the running and screaming!
It's only funny until you realize that without that glass wall, any one of these idiots will have been a new Chew toy. 😛
I know the glass won’t break, but leaving your child near the glass with an animal that’s trying to eat him/her shows just how much of a irresponsible and careless parent you are
This is real torturer on animals…
4.00 very dull very sad lion….
I know some of this is funny but it still seems like their being teased
if people just stopped killing these animals and started to respect them in the wild then they wouldn't have to be put in the zoo were there just fat and lazy and have no freedom like they would in there proper home in the wild