This profile was filmed by WA2S Executive Director Tom McPhee at the Hurricane Katrina 5 year animal rescuer reunion held at Creole Gardens in New Orleans, LA in 2005.
Special WA2S Films RAW Series from New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina featuring the efforts of animal welfare and rescue professionals.
This video is part of a large series focusing on pet rescue efforts following the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The series is from 2005 – 2008 and archived with WA2S Films at: http://www.WA2S.org
EP, Producer, Director, Editor:
Tom McPhee
c. 2015 All Rights Reserved
World Animal Awareness Society
818.561.5109 LA
I hope New Orleans government has learned from this. People need to be able to bring their pets on buses and other public transportation evacuation situations. Thank you for helping the animals of New Orleans Sandra Bauer.
thank you for this video I enjoyed listening to Sandra speak of her feelings and experience