It’s time for another edition of Fails of the Week! This week we have three bros breaking a porch swing, a young boy’s first BMX bail, and more! Submit your videos to FailArmy.com!
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Sleeping Dog Falls off Back of Couch https://goo.gl/YjiAmz
Little Boy Fails to Ride BMX out of Truck Bed https://goo.gl/BJtCsi
Girl Loses Control of Dirt Bike and Crashes It Into ATV https://goo.gl/tNxZFL
Kid Falls Down While Jumping Across Play Structure https://goo.gl/vNsJUf
Skateboarder Lands on Face During Photoshoot https://goo.gl/tqQ6kP
Kid Falls Down While Running on Nature Trail https://goo.gl/MtURZG
Ball Bounces Hard Into Goalie’s Face https://goo.gl/vDiJ8z
Sailboat Has a Narrow Escape https://goo.gl/jEPzky
Men Try to Open Wine Bottle With Giant Stick https://goo.gl/7Vywyb
Blown Away With the Kite https://goo.gl/LSBU7d
Tree Falls on Guy Cutting It Down https://goo.gl/YvjYwz
Weightlifter Falls After Dropping Loaded Barbell https://goo.gl/yNgEBv
Gender Reveal Baseball Breaks Open on Future Grandpa’s Forehead https://goo.gl/VMJ25a
Three Guys Accidentally Break Porch Swing https://goo.gl/wnXGKz
Long-Haired Man Breaks Chair https://goo.gl/CPgCA4
Kid Playing Soccer Falls and Slides Across Top of Ball With Back https://goo.gl/esQfmP
Drag Queen Knocks Over DJ’s Computer https://goo.gl/7MkxaF
Little Girl Falls off Table https://goo.gl/iTpFiE
Skier Fails Ramp Trick After Giving Friend High Five https://goo.gl/8w5TsA
People Fail to Lower Grill off Balcony With Rope https://goo.gl/AkGR4E
Motorcyclist Trying to Do Wheelie Falls https://goo.gl/DVidvY
Freerunner Fails Stunt on Obstacle https://goo.gl/rzykWM
Employee Knocks Over Buckets Full of Red Wood Stain https://goo.gl/RZ4j4H
Surfer Knocks Buddies off their Boards https://goo.gl/C5ypkh
Kid on Scooter Faceplants Bowl https://goo.gl/KwBeXp
When It’s Too Windy to Fly a Kite https://goo.gl/896HZX
Guy Loses Skis While Performing Ramp Trick https://goo.gl/G73QMr
Little Boy Bellyflops off Diving Board https://goo.gl/uTT6xs
Little Cowboy on His Toy Horse https://goo.gl/UqeZNt
Dog Trips Owner at the Beach https://goo.gl/cNnb81
Girl Flies off Front of Seesaw https://goo.gl/DN8oK7
Motorcyclist Showing off Falls on Car https://goo.gl/CVi6o2
#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
Still can't decide if that's the funniest gender reveal we've seen, or if those are all terrible in their own way – 5:40 ?
5:18 looks like some fckn menacing contraption of a homemade toy. Why does man not just let his kids play with a ride on lawnmower or a chair attached to a kite phaha
1:40 call social services on dis redneck phaha fam why would you allow your son to send that
Oh my god, I LOVED the Media Offline bits… YAAAAAAS! More of that please!
Like offline
Does anyone know the song at the end?
5:05 Again, wtf did they expect?
1:45 How the hell did he think that was gonna work?
what is the name of the dust color balls?
Hey! We have just made the Guess What Will happen Next game for android! If you want you van check it out here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=apps.bingoo.com.guesswhatwillhappen
Speech conduct lung sircd Soviet OK protest employee application.
Fireworks fails
yea, ok but please take heed on this alert. > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY5SReQ2Kqc&t=14s << if U love your kids, ur parents or ur pets please listen to that,, I BEG of all of U!!!! IT MEANS LL OF OUR LIVES, AND I AM BEING VERY VERY SERIOUS!!!!!! after you start listening to what He knows you'll understand.
1:30 Best dad award ever.
Por esta estupedes le gusta la gente
Why aren't his friends spotting him at 1:12–1:24 I guess getting a video is more important than the guys health.
1:44, legendary status for that beautiful scorpion!!!! Perfect form, no hands out to protect the face, good chest-sliding action(just enough friction to allow the legs to come up over the back of the head,) and those are the main components you look at when judging the greatness of a scorpion crash!
Rarely view note grace average tax blue activity vacation.
5:38 ??????
Handful reach sense official adviser hallway meet quality button estimate.
Hey everyone we are a new account that posts funny fails and comedy videos, Come check us out! Subscribe for more content 🙂
1:22 Chop Suey Playing in the Background
Nice Video
the swing
I’m getting sick of the music.
Dad that told his kid to ride fast out of his truck is a complete moron.
4:54 what a GREAT parent ?
3:10 children's story book bible on the table =]
1:40 father of the year. what an idiot.
My favorite one is the snow fail ❄️
5:42 Boom
the last one loool
3:24 Good by Mac on 1300$
0:55 – LET IT FLY!!!
Que videos tan graciosos
3:12 The dad slapping the little girls butt. What a perv.
maaaan, changing your thumbnails was the biggest fail
2:05 "Fucking hell, Dylan…"