Ultimate Close Calls & Near Miss Death Experiences 2017 – RETARDED Drivers & Crazy Pedestrian – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
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If you wanna see Ultimate Close Calls & Near Miss Death Experiences 2017 – RETARDED Drivers & Crazy Pedestrian watch this video!!!
Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
Приятного просмотра, будьте аккуратней на дороге!
Damn Russia. Wtf.
if youre böräd with espörts you buy cars 4 Räzzjä! ? ^^
1:50 decent very ^^
Always look both ways you dimwits
Anybody know what a sooka is?
Freakin people are nuts they just cross the street don’t even look just start walking lol wow
I'm not condoning the actions of the silver car at 0:46 but why is there any need for the bikers to be taking up both lanes like that?
Russian pedestrians must have balls of steel!
How are Russian women and children still alive?! LOL
Why people on russia think they are safe to cross in pedestrian lane without looking both left and right? SO STUPID thing to forget It!
Dumb pedestrians always in the way
WHO THE FUCK designes these pedestrian crossings?
4:37 2098, SEEMS LEGIT
It's like they just almost get killed, shit their pants, and go about it?
I guess everyone in Russia has huge effing balls, even the women? Or, especially the women? WTF?!
Love the last driver attitude, swerving left to obligate other cars to hit the brakes…. Thumbs up to the driver.
It's bad enough that so many adults in the video don't bother looking both ways before crossing (or look at all), but the ones who have kids in strollers and still don't look are a hundred times worse!!!
Pedestre sempre tem a preferencia à não ser que ai é cada um por sí
Thumbnail = "Smokey and the Bandit"
Haha, LoL 😀