IDIOT AUDI DRIVERS CAUGHT ON CAMERA! Stupid AUDI Driving Fails 2017 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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"How Much Money Do You Have?"
I would’ve busted a cap in dude ass ..
Accident avoidance tip: Never assume someone will give you the right of way, they will always think they have the right of way even if it's wrong. Always wait or back away from any driver performing illegal or suspicious driving manuvers, they most likely continue to do it. And it is very common for a driver to cut corners.
Also, if someone is driving dangerously or even just riding your bumper or someone else's, always put plenty of distance between you and any cars in front of you. In the event of an accident, this limits the amount of damage that could be involved and the possibility of you paying for the car you hit becuase they hit you into it. Other cars will often merge into your lane, but if you have no reason to be in a hurry, allow this. Not only does it increase traffic flow around you but keeps you and others safe. Especially in heavy traffic.
Accident tip, if someone hits your car and proceeds to drive, as long as your car is still driveable, you need to chase them or you will have to pay for it.
8:03 how was the cammer at fault for that :P, man the mental capacity of today's society is outstanding
"How much money do you have?" car flips past "Not enough for that"
3:43 legend
1:03 ~ 1:14 Stupidest driver I've seen ? (How to make a quick u turn in heavy traffic perhaps?) ???
11:39 ??
Audi drivers are assholes
Well, as a jolly old Englishman, I can see what the main problem is. Most of those chaps (and girls) are driving on the wrong side of the jolly old road! Simple really. Sort yourselves out fellows (and girlies). Cheerio!
9:18 holy shit
7:55 lol so rude. the driver has no brain. even my father have S600 , he never do like that loll.
first clip was the mercedes foult… he had no right to overtake on the right side…
you are only idiot here.clickbait bullshit
Still not worse than bmw guys lol
1:08 or 1:09 that person probably died in there THERE WAS FIRE AT THE DRIVER'S DOOR
a driving license would help prick's
7:32 This idiot cuts in his lane then wonders why he reacts like that
Some people are really without brain
2:00 gandon na trailere chut ne ubil etix na audi !!
3:48 батя молодец ?✋