Ultimate RETARDED Drivers 2017- Crazy driving on city streets & highway – Car Fails & Road Rage #532 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
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If you wanna see Ultimate RETARDED Drivers 2017- Crazy driving on city streets & highway – Car Fails & Road Rage #532 watch this video!!!
Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
Приятного просмотра, будьте аккуратней на дороге!
Are cars in Russia free? Y'all drive like if stupid don't work you can pick up another one on the next corner.
Die Kfz Versicherung muss 500€ im Monat kosten.
So wie diese hirnlose besoffenen Russen fahren
Empty roads and yet,they still manage to have accidents,what a bunch of asswipes!
So many idiot European drivers
Do they not make trucks in Russia???
2:50 song please
In Russia the BAC minimum is 1.0.
It's the law.
Why are most of these types of video's from Russia? Don't answer that, the question was rhytorical.
Whatever you do, don't immigrate to Russia.
Looks pretty standard retarded to me.
2:40 ummmm anyone know if that dude lived, like jesus
9:30 is what you came for.
Why no chains on the wheels?… Intellect?
Introducing the Chevy Avalanche.
I hate the word retarded. Please stop using it in the context that you did with this video.
Fender benders are not entertaining.
I'm pretty sure I'm learning how to say "You dumb son of a bitch" in Russian one video at a time.
The more I watch these videos the more I feel like Russians shouldn't be allowed to drive
In Russia, after an accident you don't pass papers, you pass vodka.
2:40 Is that guy dead?
Driving really fast on a snowy road. What could possibly go wrong?
Video on 2.10 was made in future 😀
11:51 we need another driver,truck,toothpick bridge and a toothpick bridge engineer
9:45 was the car full of smoke before the accident? Maybe driven by Chechen and Chong.
6:00, Now that's funny.
See that white stuff? It's good in vodka, but kinda slippery, you know?
These retarded drivers are not more retarded than on These other car Compilation videos ??
I think many of these drivers opened a driving school in Houston….
Why would you drive sixty,seventy mph on a snowy, ice'y road?
Hey, it's freakin snowing out. Let's go real fast and jerk the wheel real hard or try to pass someone going 70 MPH.
I've noticed there are very few lane markers and botz dots for night driving. Roads need to be updated.
If it's icy and you are on a narrow 2 lane road it is essential to go as fast as possible and pass everything in sight regardless of on-coming traffic.
That's what we are taught here.
Boy! Eastern Europeans are really, really terrible drivers!
I'm here for the lazy moron @9:24 …..and the corp of engineer morons @11:19.
Sonsky of a Bitchskavich
Time to lose the "R" word from your title
2:31 looks like suicide by truck to me. This is a real phenomena, and it's a real dick way to go out. Truckers are people too, and using them to commit suicide is a mindfuck many of them have trouble handling. Don't pass your suffering on to them.
"Hold onto something I saw Vin Diesel do this once"
When theres snow on the ground, why do people not stay on/in the snow rails!? Better to not be a blyat ?
All the work to make that bridge only to be destroyed by some asshats.
4:57 Was the car that hit the truck made of? It sent the truck flying and it just spun out!
That last one with the truck on the bridge … stupid is as stupid does and that was really stupid
Why ARE Russian drivers so retarded?
2:39 "What was that? A mosquito?"
I cringe because I know one day I’ll probably win the ultimate retard award