Hanoi Noodle Tour → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-USg2l-Akc
Learn more about ONETRIP Tours → https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/
Location: Cồn Market
Address: 318 Ông Ích Khiêm street, Hải Châu 2 district, Đà Nẵng
Operation Hours: 04:00PM – 06:00PM
Food name: Tapioca Cake and Mungbean Chewy Cake
Price: Tapioca cake: 10.000VND / bag, Mungbean Chewy Cake: 5.000VND/unit
Food name: Young jackfruit salad + silkworm
Price: 20.000VND/dish
Cart name: Bánh bèo chị Thủy
Food name: Steamed rice cake
Price: 3.000VND/cup
Cart name: Bánh ram ít chị Mẫn
Food name: Glutinous rice cake
Price: 20.000VND/dish
Cart name: Ram cuốn cải cô Hồng
Food name: Cabbage spring rolls
Price: 20.000VND/set/10 rolls
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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Follow me on INSTA @instasonnyside so brands can pay me to try to sell you stupid sh*t! Also see cool behind the scenes photos and sometimes livestream videos where I try to talk to cows.
Sorry. I'm about as adventurous at eating strange, ood , or off putting foods but at silk worms I draw the line
? no bugs
The snail in Cho Con is very good too.
Your brave man
When he ate the bug his face ????? omfg the jump of throwing up
I got hooked to watch this guy…
He is awesome charming charm! ?
Already ate dinner, and my mouth is watery. The hell!!!
5:20+ … most of the worms taste very nutty btw. As long as they get fried <3 Very tasty.
You're my number one food reviewer now bro. By the way, when I was in Danang a few months ago, I had to stop by that lady's stall at Cho Con and get some of that colorful dessert-like snacks. I told her that I stopped by because of your video. LOL. Sonny, you definitely belong on the Travel or Food channel homie.
Silkworms are really tasty if you stirfry them with lime leaves!
Ur voice is fine. Stop being a vagina
Well.. after unsubscribing ur channel i am missing you sexy.
"Super interesting" is Sonny for "fucking gross"
Man every time I watch this show I get so hungry. The food looks absolutely delicious.
Silky yumm
8:45 making girls shy since the beginning of time
6:47 that grandma eating is the funniest thing Lol.
you are the ugly version of logan paul
Wow. Been watching from the first episode for a couple weeks now and only just realized how much weight you lost since the original silk worm episode.
Onetrip is just super duper expensive
6:47 granny takes precaution
Why can't I give this vid a million likes ?
you should eat a dog I never ate a dog before but I just wanna see your reaction they sell dogs at ??
Planning already to go Vietnam cos of your videos
Take no Ko is delicious the young jack sounds excellent.
"Now we can proceed" no idea how he didn't sit there eating the cassava and coconut. I love cassava!
I don't know what it is to be starving in pain for not having any food,I'm wondering if in case like that I would eat silk or any other worn,right know I'm thinking,God I would never eat that ,,but oh well disgusting, disgusting yuk.???????
Korean Sonny would make a perfect Ronald Niedermann (Lisbeth Salander's brother in Girl with the dragon tattoo)
You sound normal
omg. that silkworm jackfruit salad looks so good. I miss Da Nang so much.
The music is so satisfying…
Sonny you were still fat while on korea. It is amazing how you change
Hey bro .. how much money have u made so far ?