As the number of animal cruelty and neglect cases rise by a quarter the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals warns it is at ‘breaking point’.
Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/pets/9221320/Rise-in-animal-cruelty-pushes-RSPCA-to-limit.html
Anyone who abandons animals should be charged.
Anyone who abandons animals in cages, leaches or in a bag should be in jail for 2-5 years.
Anyone who has an animal but early feeds them or takes care of them should go to jail for a year
Anyone who physically abuses animals by hitting or torturing them should go to jail for a minimum of 10 years
If I was that dog getting kicked I would bite that man and scratch him but I am just some Human
I actually want to shoot that man who kicked his dog a million times with a machine gun >:(
OMG POOR BABY????????????
Hope those people learn there leson
People who do these kinds of things are disgusting.
The three video clip…. this is why i hated today evil society…. abusing a innocent little dog dat didn't do anything to hurt him, u just have to train the dog to do better, not abuse and leave it outside to suffer just cuz he/she did something terribly wrong on purpose, it was on accident, but i hope i will punch dat man wit the Brass Knuckles if i was there, give him a life time in prison.. 8 weeks its bullshit
I would say he should stay in prison forever
1:30 i would put him in prison for a year ??
Man if I saw a person kicking their dog I would run up and punch them!
My grandma hit a cat in a park because it was eating
Someone needs to put him on a leash and kick him that way I swear if I ever met him I would beat him
he stakes he bought his place council cant do nothing to him.
i have neighbour continuously trying to hurt my cat when i am not there , i witnessed him try to harm him when i am not looking and police is not doing anything about it. can some one advice me on what i should do. i had 2 cats one of them went missing other one is kept in doors after the incident but as soon as he sees my cat on my corridor he does things to threaten the cat continuously. knowing i have spacial needs daughter and living on my own he takes advantage.
kill that man
If I caught him I would want to kick him a million times in the rib so he can get a taste of his own medicine
I owned 10 dogs and abused dem everyday.I really enjoy it.Becaused they ate all my foods.i mean my money,as i do not earned much.if u people care for them.send their foods
I wanna put that man on a lead en kick him till hes ends up with a broken spine and could never hurt any animal
What a coward!
Any abuse to any animal is never right. Sad.
"I don't know how anyone can do this?" He then proceeds to eat a Big Mac.
Dude go to hell
WHY do "people" get dogs only to abuse them. How can "people" be so cruel, I will never understand it.
Only 8 weeks?? If he dad that to a human he'd be sentenced to prison for years. Who knows what he did to that dog in those woods.
This guy needs more than hell