Most Idiot Car & Semi truck Drivers on Dashcam – Stupid City Racers in Traffic & Road Rage 2017 #598 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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So which one of the semi truck driver was an idiot?
NONE of the semi or truck drivers in this video were at fault.
3:35 that's the cammer's fault if the laws are what they should be. It's up to the person merging to figure it out.
AT 1:45 No, UNFORTUNATELY, the driver was rescued. One less idiot on the roads.
Подскажите пожалуйста название трека на 5:35 ?
8:20 A E S T H E T I C C A R C O L L I S I O N S
Car crash videos are getting increasingly boring…there's only Russian morons repeating their stupid behaviour over and over again 🙁
8:15 nice Drift
Big yellow taxi…take me fishing !!
All I can keep saying throughout the video is Wow!!!!! what an idiot lol sometimes I just don't understand where people's logic goes, or maybe they never had it to begin with
Opens with a clip of people riding dirt bikes on the roads which is illegal unless converted to street legal. I would bet my next paycheck they were not converted.
8:03 If it hadn't been for that pole, the idiot would have mowed that entire family down.
That was close you almost didn't get it to 10 mins that would've been bad pretty bad
Can someone recommend a nice affordable dashcam, please?
3:56 ye boi
@0"08 first off what driver would make a U-turn on a solid double yellow line on a blind corner. one thing you need to remember if you had crash the driver is responsible for you.
1:27 – TRACK NAME??
8:30 What type of car is that cause it barley moved they were both going fast and he got hit on the side and still was just driving straight
balance as advanced he word potential delay highly.
What is the requirement for a drivers license in Russia? it's funny though when a Russian is in or witnesses a wreck they often only utter one or two words, here in America it would be a stream of obscenities that would still be going on.
the first 5 seconds that women would have had my helmet through her windscreen
Anybody knows the song at 5:41?
look at 5:28
2:50 that's what you idiots gets for having your shit lowered looking really fucking stupid lmao
8:17 that lada had me dying ??????
If we all just did to others what we want for ourselves – what a wonderful society that would be!!
2:13 Does anybody know this song?
that's pure luck right there on that motorbike
8:25 shooting stars by bag raiders, a memester driving
remember….. no Russian
Damn the first clip he went up high LOL
@8:20 shooting stars!
8:15 Deja vu ?
1:57 Audi driver was a dick and lucky he survived. Investigation over.