The man who got into a fight while wearing a bunny costume in downtown Orlando says he was defending a woman.
The man who got into a fight while wearing a bunny costume in downtown Orlando says he was defending a woman.
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Does ANYONE have the full video?
Silly rabbit tricks are for kids
…he's my cousin (The one in the bunny suit)
a bunny inside a bunny interesting. (If you know you know).
Thank goodness chivalry is still Alive!!?. Bunny Suit or Not!!?
He did a good thing
This has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen
Welp, he’s a fugitive so that’s cool
This is the greatest ????
I salute that brother!!!…..That's how true warriors respond……even if the have on bunny suits.
She didn't need help ?
I though it was white on white crime, but then…
hahaaahah i thought the story was going to gett less weird after u explained it i was wrong lol hahahahaaa
Is a bird, a plane? No it's Super Bunny to the rescue!
After throwing a flurry of rabbit punches, the kick-but bunny was famished and decided to jam to some hip hop on the way to i-hop.
I wonder if Saturday Night Live will use this in their skit
good look bro these cowards think they can just assault black women, sis was holdin it down though, way to rock both of you, we all we got!!!
Emmmm what's up doc?
Yo, im still laughing, go bunny.
That bunny guy is a genuine hero!
They were bar-hopping…
That’s tripping on acid stuff or shrooms
hahahahahaha, he was trying to separate them and then he got into the fight lmaooooo. This is so funny LOL
Wait… did she say he was in a bunny suit bar hopping???
black on white assault…black witnesses…
selective video…lol…typical
No jelly beans for you bunny man
now this is the best easter ever
This has all the makings of a good super hero origin story.
Ha ha!
That women was beating up the guy in this video. Why is everyone saying that the guy was beating the woman up
One of the funniest things I’ve seen… bunny was bobbing and weaving
I applaud the young man for what he did..
Hhahahah .. Best Easter bunny ever lol
Florida man
Funny thing the guy really has rabbit teeth lol
Only in FL ?✊
Why does any of that matter who he is a WHERE he came from helped a citizen point blank period
Ok if you lose a fight to a man in a bunny outfit you should not be allowed to fight again
Silly Wabbit, Easter Sunday has never been so good, or so funny?
New fortnite bunny brawler skin and bunny boxer emote
What a lie. The guy was getting the crap beat out of him by the lady. That guy clearly was not trying to break up the fight. Politically correct spin by dishonest news crew. Too afraid to state the obvious