EXOTIC Jakarta Food Tour! SUPER RARE Street Food of Jakarta, Indonesia!

EXOTIC Jakarta Food Tour! SUPER RARE Street Food of Jakarta, Indonesia!
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Indonesian Street Food Tour! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66BeoTSRl0o

Learn more about ONETRIP Tours → https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/

Food info:
Food 1: Horse sate
Address: Jl. Pemuda No.17, RT.10/RW.3, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Operation Hour: 06PM-02AM
Price: 2$/skewer
Food 2: Cobra blood and snake satay
Address: Jalan Kapten Tendean No. 23, Kuningan Barat, Mampang Prapatan, RT.2/RW.5, Kuningan Bar., Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Operation Hour: 10AM-09PM
Price range:
1.5$ – 6$ (frozen meat)
250.000Rp ~ 20$ /Small cobra
Food 3: Ikan kudu kudu.
Address: Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No. 43
Operation Hour: 11AM-10PM
Price: 1.5$/100grams
Food 4: Goat testicles satay
Address: Jl. Raya Setu, No. 24, RT.8/RW.3, Setu, Cipayung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Operation Hour: 09AM-09PM
Price: 2.5$/skewer.

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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.

I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.


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About the Author: Best Ever Food Review Show


  1. It makes me sick to think that these different cultures deceive people into believing that horse meat and goat balls and cobra bile will cure asthma backache and other ailments. The people in that culture believe this therefore, they are wiping rare species out because they have been taught to eat these things will benefit them medicinally somehow. On the other hand Americans are not as stupid as their culture is and we find it to be an abomination to see human beings eating the flesh of a beautiful animal such as a horse or a dog or even a beautiful cobra. It is a sin in our culture end it is almost comical that they would try to convince us that we would get a benefit somehow by ingesting these rare and beautiful creatures. I’ll kind of use this metaphorically speaking. This is kind of compared to what an Indonesian would be doing if they were trying to convince a tourist or even someone of their culture to do. Hey I just took a big steaming shit on this plate and if you eat it you will become more intellectual and you will have brain power and stamina for years to come if you eat this. This is the highest quality shit you will ever come across it came from my intestines deep with in my Pancrease and bile ducks!

  2. I would like to know why your series is not on television! I am very surprised that a network hasn’t snap you up already! You are so professional and you bring to us the most unusual places the most unusual food in the most unusual people! Bizarre foods should be extremely jealous of you because you’re givingThem a run for their money.

  3. The every animal species are going to vanish due to the overeating of vary meats thats not fair gov. Should allow people to eat only specific species like goat,chicken,pork etc that will help and our next generation will get a chance to see those animals that is gonna completely disappear in coming days

  4. wait a MINUTE, WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS?! im from jakarta, and didn't know about this, so PLEASE TELL ME THEY DON'T KILL MONKEYS TOO BC ILL CRI ??

  5. I'm an Indonesian. 3.5 million rupiahs for a cobra? It was over-priced.

    I've eaten one just about 200 thousands rupiah for one long nasty cobra.

    What a bad seller !

  6. Some people on comment section acted like those foods are things Indonesian eat and promote to tourists everyday. It's not. Indonesia has the most muslim in the world and they only consume halal meats, which most of those exotic animals are not on the halal list. Those foods are super rarely consumed, usually it's for alternative medicine when there's no other medicine or for some people who cant afford proper medicine. Sonny tried those food so you don't have to eat it. And i think there are better things to do than hating on Indonesian culture.

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