It’s Mammalia versus Arachnida in this pint-sized battle to the death.
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#NatGeoWILD #Shrews #Scorpions
About Animal Fight Night:
Animal Fight Night features same-species battles between some of the biggest and baddest fighters of the animal kingdom, and some of the most surprising, revealing the extraordinary motivations and strategies that fuel each incredible brawl.
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Psycho Shrew vs. Scorpion | Animal Fight Night
Nat Geo Wild
Sub-Zero wins fatality
Am I the only one came after watched kurzgesagt?
The Shrew is so fast it looks like the video was put in time elapse
Scorpion should've just tamed the Shrew.?
Some species of shrew also have venom that puts things into a coma…might even the odds a bit….if Shrews even need a helping hand.
Stop with the chewy commercials! They are the worst.
So he is ultra instinct
The shrew dead now he/she died beacause he/she eat the predator
Way better than Daredevil
Mr Big!
The shrew's edge came from being a student of the drunken master.
Thats it!! Im studying 'Psycho Shrew' Kung Fu style.
It’s mr Biggs from zootopia!
I love mice and i hate shrew
still a better love story than twiligth
1:10 That music! Infamous 2?
Can't believe I feel sorry for the scorpion… Nature's crazy
No wonder it's called a phyco shrew
Hannibal lecter vs a random guy with a knife
thats where you are wrong he isnt american he is russian
Shrew hungry
Hey nature taking course
That was unexpected
Voiceover on my channel!
american shrew: Look at that subtle off-green coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a stinger.
That psychos got moves
If you cut tail Spike from scorpion the poison will flew
Note poison isnt corrosive
Real danger is in blood
And then the shrew went off to listen to Genesis.
Reminds me of cobra vs mongoose
Why the scorpion died????????????????????????? This is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!
Don't talk!
Flawless victory
Why does the computer generated shrew look so derpy