GTA Online Best FAILS of the Week #6 (Top Fails)
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Merry Go – Kevin Macleod
the 10th happens to me alot
You have been kissed by James Charles
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It's called tankers & clowns by vill3m and no i didn't make it.
Snipeing on console is gg easy
That's why you snipe in first person lol
Number 5 happened to me today I was just driving the tank to me bunker merely cm away and it just explode for no reason
Whats the shirt in #3?
Best part is number 2
4:35 i am dead laughing
Impaled on what spikes
He was trying to drag scope so bad. smh. that had to be the longest battle ever. 36-5 gesh
How did the guy in number 3 get that sweatshirt
That tank and cargo bob mission happened to me as well
#7, that's why I prefer to drive the Rhino Tank to my bunker, but my current one is near the airplane graveyard
You laugh so fake now that this game is so old?
That's exactly how I snipe in this game ?
Here's a Rockstar logic, go into any vehicle that has a turret, find a spot that's pretty flat and aim as far up as you can. Now find a spot that's on an incline try pointing the vehicle both up towards the top of the incline and down towards the ground. The turret doesn't go up like it did on a flat surface.
My sniper skills are worse then number 1. Seriously you can stand still and ill miss…. I'm lvl 490 lmfao
Does anyone else have bad luck while driving in the streets in Gita like you hit every car
u love the arena vehicles because the off chase if someone annoys u by STANDING ON UR HOOD u can pull up. ok buddy, and tone it down a little bit ur reactions seem fake
Number one was a troll he was 36-5 on that guy lzzzzz
Nr 1 at 37 to 6 but
2 was the best
Oh man…that sniper fight but all were good classic fails
hey @ Dat Saintsfan when are you going to do a ps4 car meet? if you do one can you add me on psn my username is Maisymaynot1
That 1st guy is definitely killing a low level with his 0.79 kd ass
Good to hear you enjoying this segment for a change
Number 1 guy will never be a tryhard? that’s tuff
The number 1 clip is what my sniping looks like.
Bro I never seen a backflip done In gta before
Its capture
Love the first one with the sniper ?
When two wanna be tryhards fight??????4:51
That's how I am and I'm not that best I don't know what what are these people doing they're better than me
1:48 is a complete idiot
Little bit hard to watch that last one smh
Whenever i got into a sniper fight, i meet the most toxic and tryhard player. Sons of bitches does'nt even miss a single shot. This does'nt even rages me that they are killing me what rages me more is that whenever they get hit, fuckers will blew themselves up just protect their worthless shitty K/D .
Good video
I'm amazing at sniping on console
This is DatSaintsfan
How old can he get?
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2:44 Up-An-Atomizer