Wildlife trafficking is estimated to be a $19 billion per year global business, surpassed only by black-market sales and trafficking of drugs, humans, and firearms.
In the United States, regulation of private ownership of exotic animals is determined by each state, allowing for loopholes and oversight. Animals are bought and traded through auctions, backyard breeders, illicit online sales and more. The industry is growing right in our backyards.
VICE travels to Ohio to rescue a cougar, then to Texas for an exotic livestock auction and undercover visit to a gaming ranch where the animals are sold and hunted for up to $15,000 a piece.
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This video ended the way Jurassic Park started lol
Here’s what to buy if you want a “cool and rare” pet, get a very rare ball python morph (not spider). Great pets ???
I hate Americans, and I am one.
Wrestling a cougar next besthing
bless you joe !
I haven't got a problem with hungting if it's legal and all that. But I draw the line at poaching, the wildlife trade is worse than the drug trade.
But if Mike Tyson does it, he's black, it's ok.
That picture of him and the cat on the hood of that old f100 is kind of cool
Sad shit
I didn't know tigers hiss wow
you wanna feline get you a housecat.
Stupid people
Wish I had the money to kill a couple big cats and put them on my wall
I swear people are such pussys so what if they want tigers as long as they care for them shit if we breed rhinos and elephants in the state they wouldnt be extinct
Wtf they feed them horses that’s disgusting
That cougar was in a deep k-hole
If this is defiance ohio then we used to see this cougar all the time as kids!
My grandfather lived in British East Africa and his family owned a tiger, but they never saw him because they just let him run around on their farm. They found himself a cub being beaten by someone so they saved him. I don’t feel anything is wrong with it because he needed some help getting food since he was crippled.
This why I pray for nuclear war or a virus that kills us humans. Thats why im pro human genocide.
The excavator in the thumbnail is like Yeeeet
wow these people are sick
I live in Zanesville and I knew the man. He did not commit suicide he was murdered by the Zanesville Sheriff. The gun he killed his self with supposedly belong to the sheriff or the Zanesville Police Department. The sheriff went on record 2 months prior to the incident saying he would do whatever it took to put mr. Thompson out of business. 6 weeks later the sheriff sold mr. Thompson his personal firearm which was used to take his own life. Doesn't make any sense the sheriff that the gun belonged to was also the one that completed the investigation labeled it a suicide close the book on the case and there was no follow-up investigation by the FBI or ATF or anybody else. So pretty much what Zanesville Sheriff said was fact and they close the case. Put the gun mr. Thompson killed his self with belong to the Zanesville Sheriff
6:07 yea same in goin to pick up a cougar next door she likes when I go there in the middle of the night for a few hours
you straight up had a pic of a ball python when talking about dangerous snakes. do some fucking research #vicenews one of the many reasons no one trust journalists anymore.
this makes me so fucking angry i can’t even put it into words
That’s a str8 fucking slaughter house I was eating on that part motherfucker
What's with the thumbnail
That pet cougar in the car ride home was like " wtf you not my dad
13:45 he jabbed the shit out that cougar
Fuck I swear the midwest & south of the U.S. is full of evil
Ha. They showed a ball python. “The most venomous snakes blah blah”. That’s in the top 10 pets in the USA. No venom at all lol.
I almost brought a tiger for $500 in Texas then I thought about it nah I'm cool?
Going to a ranch to "hunt" exotic animals is no different than catching a tuna in a fish tank, therefore you have to be the largest chump on the planet. You deserve no respect, ever.
And trump wants to get rid of the EPA and probably allow ivory imports again.
I have 3 dogs thats bark a lot But i grew up catching snakes turtles lizards chipmunks Im from Boston Ma
They should have just shot that poor cougar…because she's already dead. Ferocity was part of her beauty. Then some asshole stripped her of the instincts and weapons God gave her. That's a terrified empty shell of what should have been a mother, a provider and a warrior. It's a goddamn shame.
a bobcat/lynx, serval, jungle cat, ocelot would be enough
Poor animals
2:31 bitch that’s a fucking ball python, you can go to your local pet shop and buy one for sometimes $40 (not that you should, do your research kids)
I want a T-Rex
I like turtles
stupid human race playing with earths animals and nature. we deserve all to die
Humans are disgusting
Damn it's 2019 and humans are still selfish
Think this would you want to be hunted down and killed for just your head nothing else
i´m just disgusted ….. some people have to much money to even think of buying a tiger or shit like that…
Man thats crazy theres a ranch in Texas with african animals you can go shoot. And has giraffes thats is crazy!
Those poor gorgeous babies. my heart goes out to them