Instant Justice POLICE 2017 ? Idiot Drivers & Road Rage on Dashcam #35 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
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That last one was like a video game
Dam that was a sweet bike chase. Major props to the cop and to the perp. Both excellent skill but dangerous. Anyone one where the chase took place what country?
Who's the stupid bitch now LOL
Give the motorcyclist his due he did well.
European chases are boring as fuck
stupid police car
What country was that last one, the motorcycle chase in? Those were some narrow roads and I couldn't make out the language the cop was talking.
Those boys can sure ride a motorcycle!
Why do ppl think they can run from the cops? SMH
When the guy on the motorcycle is a better driver than the cop chasing him!
Wow these guys could really drive those things and perhaps missed their callings. Maybe should’ve been motorcycle racers who would’ve been top at their sport but instead chose a life of crime. While I don’t condone running from the police for any reason I’m truly impressed with the skill they have riding motorcycles. Had they not been chased by motorcycle cops they would’ve gotten away especially that last guy.
Very good driver, I say very very very very good driver!!!?
Listen… why would you run from the police? Not only will you NOT get away, but it makes things SO much worse when you’re caught.
"2:03" "I did-dent du nuffin!". Lol.
Chasing a 4 wheel drive vehicle in a vw microbus?
Stupid ass black dude lol
At 1:25 stereotype reinforced …..
Break the side window ?
wow first video
south korea?
Holy crap that motorcycle pursuit. I guess after blowing through all those tight alleys full of people and cars, sliding turns, near misses, etc, when the cop followed him up the steps without missing a beat he realized he'd met his match. haha
First clip, wtf are those big boxes on top of the police cars