As we families gather for thanksgiving – The Dodo Top 5 highlights animals who have families and rescuers they are thankful for. What was your favorite story?! Tell us in the comments below!
Baby Deer Revisits Man Who Rescued Him With His Mom | Special thanks to Kevin Collom for this awesome footage! For the original full deer rescue videos, visit: http://thedo.do/deerrescue.
Wild Monkey’s Family Waits Outside Sanctuary So They Can Reunite With Him | To help these rescuers save more monkeys, you can support the Umsizi Umkomaas Vervet Rescue Centre: http://thedo.do/uvrc. Follow them on Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/Umsizi-Umkomaas-Vervet-Rescue-Centre-396234397097286.
Two Pigs Rescued from Fire | To sponsor the ongoing care of these rescued pigs, you can support the Equality Sanctuary: http://thedo.do/equality.
Cows Who Escaped Slaughterhouse Are So Loved
| To help with the expansion of these rescued cows’ new home, you can support the Gentle Barn’s fundraiser: http://thedo.do/missouri. Click here to learn more about their new sanctuary space: http://www.gentlebarn.org/missouri/.
Shy Dog Who Used To Be Terrified Of People Finds The Perfect Family | To help Sassy’s rescuers save more stray dogs, you can support Coastal German Shepherd Rescue : http://thedo.do/coastal.
Santo Rico by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
Ya'll don't know how much pain and suffering those animals go through just to be on your dinner plate. I hate how humans treat animals as below them. Absolutely disgusting.
Yooo the monkeys are like mini humans. Straight up, they hugged each other like humans.
Ooohhj my deer thats so precious 2C,peace&LOVE
Poor Sassy!?? What perseverance to make her happy!
Animals deserve life we might not understand them but they are apart of are world
I think meat is good.
Change my mind.
What a sweet man saving this little angel!!!
These videos always make me cry ?
These are amazing stories
This is by far the BEST channel on YouTube EVER!
so much for the theory of not touching a baby animal because then the mom will reject it.
Why so sad and happy
I love animals
Animal lovers are blessed.
Thank you for rescuing all the cows and keeping them together, its so beautiful you did not return them to the slaughter house, thank you to all the lovely rescuers!!!
This "baby deer from the hole" video makes me more loving human than watching TITANIC movie ! Thank for giving me one happy day, SIR !
The deer, pig and cows- why I became a vegetarian!!! Omg!!! I lost it with the cows!!! Awesome video! Thanks Dodo!!
2:58 this mans really T-posing at a time like this.
The money one was adorable. The two hugged him so tight. Than the one kept poking the other to be like “hey!? Look he’s home”
Also the cow story kind of inspiring because they escaped together and now gets to live a long happy life
What a lovely man you are, may you enjoy many more magical moments with momma and her baby fawn.
Bambi alternate ending
Take a chance people .
I found the cow video so sad he saw or heard the other cows dying and had to find a way out. I'm not going to eat animals from now on that was so messed up.
So beautiful, cute and adorable!^^
Living in the mide of f*cking nowhere means i see deer all the time. One ate my halloween pumkin once. The little sh*t gave me such a smug look. 10/10 would forgive immediately.
I've watched so many TheDodo videos and managed not to cry. But now my eyes are filled with tears. When I saw those cows escaping from the slaughterhouse, I was done. This is an insane world where people abuse and kill animals to eat them, and those poor animals have no chance…. People, please stop eating animals.
Oh baby. Can all slaughterhouses go down in ashes.
animals are actually more grateful than us humans
Please keep making these videos! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Animals of all forms. An I LOVE LOVE LOVE to see them being loved, rescued, taken care of. Thank you for these videos they make me smile
You did so well and your kindness shone through! God Bless for helping and caring. Amen!
The monkey hugs were no different from any human hug… Amazingly it's always been that true, it's just that we haven't noticed it.
This is a real therapy. Thank you ?
I think we should do research of how animals react by being rescued. Who knows what we could learn about it.
This is a true ALL LIVES MATTER. Thanks for the share.