It’s been another great week full of awesome people. Thanks to everyone who submitted videos! Which clip was your favorite? Leave it in the comments and let us know what you’d like to see more of!
Title: Alone by Marshmello
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/alone-single/id1110086888
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2v4Crisjd4sT782Jvn7ISC
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p13lhwtSaQc
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0:00 https://goo.gl/bjkBtC
0:05 https://goo.gl/Q2jnGW
0:12 https://goo.gl/zJQz2N
0:22 https://goo.gl/w1as3c
0:29 https://goo.gl/zf9iKq
0:37 https://goo.gl/dr4bf4
0:40 https://goo.gl/sXne1x
0:54 https://goo.gl/VdsxwD
1:07 https://goo.gl/eLhqno
1:21 https://goo.gl/U9PQAF
1:24 https://goo.gl/RBkRvs
1:27 https://goo.gl/HNTrX
1:30 https://goo.gl/jdKbYS
1:46 https://goo.gl/HNTrX
1:50 https://goo.gl/ZVmvt6
2:15 https://goo.gl/e5gNNx
2:31 https://goo.gl/IGks4F
2:44 https://goo.gl/YqgjWR
2:47 https://goo.gl/qWQH5R
2:52 https://goo.gl/HNTrX
PAA business and licensing inquiries:
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME is the number one destination for amazing, original videos and compilations of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We feature all sorts of different extreme sports and activities other amazing feats, including parkour, skateboarding, tricking, cliff diving, wingsuit flying, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, acrobatics, calisthenics, cheerleading, freestyle football, basketball dunks, extreme pogo, freerunning, cycling, kayaking, frisbee trick shots, golf, martial arts, BASE jumping and many, many more a host of other action sports! Whether you’re searching in 2015 or any other year, check out our amazing and original action sports videos in HD where we show you why we think people are awesome!
To license any of the videos shown on People are Awesome, visit Jukin Media at http://jukinmedia.com/licensing
For more epic tricks, check out the latest episode of our new show FLY GUYS: https://goo.gl/y5BkLh
You should put my friend on the kids addition his youtube is ryloeleven
1:02 when you can't even walk up stairs normally and then you see this guy
0:07 with what physical law can this guy do that ???
2:31 I LIVE THERE!!!
What is so special 1:47
hii awesome video
I remember 3 years ago when my older brother first showed me one of your videos and I've been hooked ever since
Awesome i like this
Music killed it ?
why the hell was 1:47 in there?? she did a terrible job, not jumping very far and you're supposed to land on your feet not fall on your ass
wow wow wowwwww wow wow wow wow wow
gay foot forget fourth weapon candle super cold teen disaster.
I cheered out loud when that dude got the strike
Amazing ???
2:15 this kid needs to glide onto shore and walk into school
1:01 Anyone else watch this part like 10 times???
these are so amazing
is that ricegum at 0:40. I had to take a double take
I detect 4 old video for juste this week …
Come to Brasil
2:48 The shirt ?
0:21 respect
People you're NOT awesome!!! It's possible to do!
I hope i was there in the video 🙁
Best video I have seen
Lol m8
So amazing at 2:07
Sry guys I'm busy watching the new avengers Trailer
1:48 wtf watch in slow 🙂
What do you call those crazy awesome throws at like 2:34?? There used to be this group that did those kind of challenges but I can't find them
Music like Geometry dash level )
0:19 – Like
1:53 the new, even less-interesting-to-watch-but-fun-to-do Kangaroo Parkour where you jump with both feet at all times.