BANH KHOT in Vung Tau! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAUlA1pxQHM
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About This Episode:
Learn more about ONETRIP Tours → https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/
BUN CHA – (grilled pork with rice noodle)
ADDRESS: Number 135 Vo Van Tan St, Dist.3
COST: 40.000VNĐ/set / 2USD
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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Being a Vietnamese and to be honest I drank the sauce all the time. That might give you some weird looks from other people, but oh gosh that sauce was delicious after you dip the meat in..
Does Vietnam have a big north vs south rivalry?
I cant stop watchingg❤️
Sonny, I am curious to know if your team pre determines the time length of each video? This video lasted six min and twenty seconds. I understand a lot of content is lost to editing but I think with your character (humor) , your guests and overall content I could easily watch 30 mins of video and never lose interest. I absolutely love your show and am now motivated to visit Vietnam. Hey, are the women all as sweet as the ladies you have had on your show???
Your shows make me hungry
he looks like ryan lochte a lil bit, like they are siblings
4:07 sick moves
anyone get julious of him
would the onetrip guides be willing to do a fear and loathing and pretend to be my attorney? ^^
i could introduce you even more food that are in jars and you wait until it gets sour. how does raw fish sound?
my mom make that really good and i mean it
Cheers in viet means 1 2 3 in
I miss this place
Take me with you!
Im Vietnamese thanks for this video now i’d know how to eat Bun Cha in the right way now:)))
what a short video love this channel
best food show. Guy in vietnam – enjoy what you have, you are lucky people.
Even foods have loyal haters .. can’t do anything in this world without haters ..
Omfg it all looks so good