Amazing Times Wild Animals Wandered Into Backyards | These people had the most magical encounters with wild animals in their own backyards
Credit: #jukinmedia (https://www.facebook.com/JukinVideo/)
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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i want to see moreee
I love this video!
This is my favorite video so far :3
Just having a Bear of a time! 🙂
Am I the only one who thinks that the baby deer at the start is trying to attack the puppy with his non threatening hooves? XD
Instant mood boosters ????
Cuteness overload
Awe! Love you dodo
Ha ha another cutest video thanks Dodo? That shows that wild animals too can have all the fun??
That 1st one is not cute. That baby deer is trying to hoof that dog in the head
Got porridge?
again an adorable video from The Dodo ! : )
That baby deer more likely tried to attack rather than play :I
Dream is to break 5k amazing subscribers goal this year which will be challenging :/
We have a family of racoon's that visit our yard every night too steal our Kittycat food.
do more of these its sooo cute!!
Sometimes, you gotta take a break from a long journey and just have fun on a hammock or trampoline with a buddy 🙂
So cute!
Nice Super Dopper Cool mind blowing your channel is very good thanks
Me at 29 sec: Those bear cubs are going to get on that hammock!
Me at 31 sec: Those bears had the same trouble with the hammock that I have!
We are given charge over all wildlife. Wildlife depends on our actions for their well being. May those actions be for the well being of all wildlife. As it is rightfully due to all wildlife, since none of us was in charge of what species we would be born in this world. If you seek the truth, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
The two fox were like “WHAT MAGIC IS THis!?!???!?!?!!!!!”
Oh cute bambi has a friend awwwww
48 Minutes of sheer cuteness thanks dodo!
Funny bears?????
I love the Dodo but I'm not sure that fawn is trying to play with that dog , he is kicking it with his front hooves he might be scared
0.48 secondes !! Come on !!
The bears were too funny! I once looked out my window and saw a flock of turkeys. They gobbled at me and ran back into the woods.
If I was the guy who owned the hammock: "Adorable? That thing cost me 70 bucks!" XD
That fawn is trying to buck that dog in the face with its hooves, not really too cute if you ask me
Too short of a video but still soo cute ❤️