Oh man, do we have a treat for you! Hold on to your butts, because it’s time for part one of our annual Best Fails of the Year! We have 10 glorious minutes of fresh fails for you! So buckle up, buttercup, because it’s about to get crazy!
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!
To license any of the videos shown on FailArmy, please visit Jukin Media at http://bit.ly/jukinlicense.
Little Boy Can’t Keep Up with Spinning Playground Toy https://goo.gl/FJuZva
Man Tries to Catch Rope Swing Off Moving Boat and Falls https://goo.gl/7uuhGc
Guy on Lawn Mower Tips Over in Cloud of Smoke https://goo.gl/29GjnZ
“Girl Breaks Laptop Trying to Hit Brother with Pillow ” https://goo.gl/iT2pa5
“Woman Drops Roasted Potato Dish on Thanksgiving ” https://goo.gl/doKnes
“Man Frantically Tries to Save Phone From Falling to Floor ” https://goo.gl/5pWtQe
“Man Slips on Icy Front Steps of House ” https://goo.gl/XfS7oh
“Baby Tries To Eat Kitten ” https://goo.gl/pcsfvu
“Lumberjack Can’t Cut Tree All the Way Through ” https://goo.gl/PFnivT
“Boy Flips Over Bike After Jumping Off Ramp ” https://goo.gl/csZF5c
“Kid Accidentally Smacks Man Trying to Hit Birthday Piñata ” https://goo.gl/ugcgz4
“Teen Breaks Water Pipe Trying Gymnastic Flyaway Move ” https://goo.gl/PxA98N
“Man Faceplants Attempting to Drive Over Dirt Ramp on ATV ” https://goo.gl/P8KuH7
Woman Trips and Falls Along With Loaded Shopping Cart https://goo.gl/N42QpG
“Guy Jokingly Jumps out of Moving Car Outside Workplace Drop Off ” https://goo.gl/2WyxYb
“Guy Flips and Smashes Tile While on the Dancefloor ” https://goo.gl/53oWwA
“Girl Faceplants to Dirt Riding Kick Bike Leashed to Sleigh Dogs ” https://goo.gl/TJXUYF
“Personal Trainer Trips on Non-Moving Treadmill ” https://goo.gl/1Kovwk
“Cat Chases Raccoon Trying to Enter Through Cat Flap ” https://goo.gl/K2hB9B
“Little Girl Asks for Help After her Shirt Gets Stuck on Hook ” https://goo.gl/qddbwo
“Man Falls Multiple Times Jumping off Roof with Scooter ” https://goo.gl/vpXh9w
“Person Breaks Stripper Pole Attempting Upside Down Spin ” https://goo.gl/3SjbzJ
“Guy Falls Through Gap after Attempt Jump Over Roof ” https://goo.gl/Qm1Hav
Woman Crashes on Electric Scooter with Dog https://goo.gl/zLmdz9
“Woman Punches Husband’s Face During Boxing Training ” https://goo.gl/hKGbEq
“Man Loses Control During Ramp Jump on Scooter and Falls ” https://goo.gl/X9GJqL
“Kid Accidentally Front Flips off Boogie Board After Hitting Wave ” https://goo.gl/YAXSz6
“Weightlifter Drops Heavy Barbell on His Back ” https://goo.gl/4Mpx3x
“Skateboarder Bangs Mistakenly Into Kid Flipping Him Off ” https://goo.gl/Hwz58v
“Mom Tries Water Bottle Prank on Daughter and Sprays Herself ” https://goo.gl/yJd3Nh
“Three Friends Trip Each Other at Party ” https://goo.gl/b4x4E4
“Baby Faceplants During Baptism ” https://goo.gl/3BqbmR
“Two Cats Panic and Break Furniture ” https://goo.gl/Bi7yxv
“Kid Accidentally Causes Opponent to Crash in Dirt Bike Race ” https://goo.gl/sVhc36
“Ladder Slips From Under Man Putting Up Christmas Lights ” https://goo.gl/SZFFGx
“Champagne Bottle Explodes in Guy’s Hand Trying to Saber It ” https://goo.gl/WVBfQt
“Acrobat Falls Off Teeterboard with Teammates ” https://goo.gl/RjiqsU
“Dog Attempts to Steal Birthday Cake from Owner’s Hands ” https://goo.gl/GHVmY6
“Athlete Collides into Unaware Kid Walking Down Running Track ” https://goo.gl/myMWGV
Man Faceplants after Successful Hand Stand on Balance Beam https://goo.gl/HkwrfD
“Girl Faceplants in Heels During Chair Dance ” https://goo.gl/AzQpfC
“Man Falls on Knees and Slips Doing Handstand on Diving Board ” https://goo.gl/7MJ9xe
“Guy Crashes and Flips Over Wall After Biking Down Stairs ” https://goo.gl/rDXBtj
“Boy Gets Attacked While Trying to Feed Duck ” https://goo.gl/L8FWV5
“Female Bodybuilder Hits Neck with Barbell Attempting Lift ” https://goo.gl/GBQaet
“Little Girl Faceplants into Table After Getting Surprise Gift ” https://goo.gl/DedW1S
“Little Girl Looks Unimpressed With Christmas Gift ” https://goo.gl/qGbtKt
“Little Girl Falls Off Santa’s Lap While Having a Tantrum ” https://goo.gl/rMNJ9X
“Curious Dog Tugs at Christmas Tree and Makes it Fall ” https://goo.gl/Kd3N93
“Kid Jumps into Glass Table While Playing VR Game ” https://goo.gl/CdLnau
that kid on skateboard xd
2:19 omg hahahaha P.S. Never mess with ducks To Whoever watches this as a zelda player never atack the chickens same in real life never try to play with non flying birds exept penguins
2:00 lol what pet noobs and dummies and losers for breaking a peice of expensive glase and bowl (more like toilet bowl)
1:21 Sad that the preists face look at the sad face i do not want that to happen to my baby
3:00 lmao they didn’t let the dog in
0:27 – me after a big blunt of that fine BC bud
Kto pl?
White people
5:53 Dumb cunt trying to be smooth
5:26 holy shit this guy is so damn annoying
Kto z Polski??
at 2:14
Mom:go pet the duck
Mom:(Whispers to friend) watch this
3:50 guy: dies
friend: can’t laugh harder
8:38 is this the Guardians of Galaxy 4???
0:55 and 1:22 made my day XD XD XD
She destroyed a LAPTOP with a CUSHION???????
"what you gonna garnish those with?"
"The floor"
02/00 ff I HATE CATS!!! ;-(((
7:02 Sweet Home Alabama.
5:18 is my fav ever…"awh that's great…that's really fucking great"
It’s age restricted ?
The funniest ones were the wine bottle breaking, the pillow with the family arguing, the dogs pulling down the Christmas tree (bad dogs!! XD) and the cat fighting off the raccoon. XD
आबरा का डाबरा…9:30
Dude at 5:18 is a huge asshole and needs to get laid or get a hobby…
What’s this nana??
4:56 why are they doing this all the time?
I mean, just pull it out.
0:52 dude man up its not that big a deal I get hit in the face all the time when i'm holding the pads for other people.
1:20 best one
Really just a bunch of people who should be removed from the gene pool here!
1:14 when you failed then the like button pressed
1:31 quadcrashers in fortnite be like
The world would be a boring place without dumbass Americans….
2:00 why you shouldnt have cats
Chekkk man i was 5arting on this video ??
1:11–1:14 LOL!
0:58 that guy was an asshole to that woman! It’s was just an accident
Tus fail caca????
3:22 Karma
1:21 Yeetus to the fetus
5:24 Imma bout to neck this man
2.27 name of song?
3.25 what finger kid show
long live trump