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For this video, I was on the Best of Tokyo Food Tour with David from The Hungry Tourist. His tours are one of a kind and focus on deep high end food!
For more details check out The Hungry Tourist:
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.hungry.tourist/
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehungrytourist/
Shima Steak (西洋料理 島) is a well, one of the must-eat wagyu beef steak restaurants in Tokyo, and it was an honor to be able to have a chance to eat there for lunch one day on this Tokyo food tour. You could either order the sirloin or the fillet, and I decided to go for the sirloin, because it’s known to be a little fatter and juicier.
The chef at Shima Steak (西洋料理 島) has developed his own unique grill for steak, where it’s a wood fire oven, but it grills and bakes at the same time. He cuts hugely thick slices of wagyu beef steak and then skewers them to cook in the oven grill.
It was one of the most tender, juicy, and insanely flavorful steaks I’ve ever had. And not only the food, but I really enjoyed the friendliness of the restaurant, the chef and his wife, and how it really felt like you were going over to your relatives or grandparents house to eat a top of the line Japanese beef wagyu steak.
Thanks for Khun Mangmoom (https://www.instagram.com/yingmangmoomofficial/) for letting me try the wagyu fillet!
For dessert, one of the things you can’t miss when you eat at Shima Steak is their world famous steak sandwich. You have to watch the full video to see how it’s made, but all I can say is that it will amaze you how much beef they stack into the sandwich and how they pack it into a to go box bento style. It’s mind blowing, and insanely delicious!
Price – about 12,000 JPY ($106.94) per steak
Thank you to The Hungry Tourist for inviting me on The Best of Tokyo Food Tour. I didn’t personally pay for the food in this video.
NOTE: I did not pay for the food in this video, it was part of the tour.
Thank you for watching!
MUSIC: Top Down – https://goo.gl/HwVjdo
***CAMERA GEAR*** I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):
Main camera: http://amzn.to/2sV0XQO
Main lens: http://amzn.to/2szLZNf
2nd lens: http://amzn.to/2wXXT8h
Microphone: http://amzn.to/2rBKD3z
Gorillapod: http://amzn.to/2rBFkkI
I would love to connect with you!
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
T-shirts available now: https://migrationology.com/store/
Whats new here? We eat wagyu every week. I like it in stew with good potatoes.
damn, it's like he hasn't eaten in weeks.
that's not medium rare. that's rare.
omfg what idiotic reaction !!! dude u are IDIOT
Awesome ?
Eats his own ** “ooooohhhhhhh”
Dude chill out
How many open soars cuts and abrasions are on that cooks hands go back and look. I hate this guy his music expressions and comments are all garbage.
They must love him ? so loud always talking doesn't remove his hat smh 6:52 man's face says it all
I bet the chef hates this guy. His reactions and smile are so artificial lol
you've always say "oh oh" fuvk off mark… we know ur style..!!! ur such a fvckn father 2 your daughter!!!
The Ropongi District is the spot to eat late night
Looks great but very, very fatty and rich. The Australian wagyu is superb and finds the perfect balance for me but the Japanese wagyu is top shelf, no argument from me but just personal preference. Try Jacks Creek Aussie wagyu. Voted best steak in the world recently I believe.
Mark: Lucky You! You enjoy eating all those yummy foods around the world! I can only watch you enjoy it all on my phone. You have a truely wonderful job!!! ???⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Take ur hat off bro…geezus, show sum respect…?
Hey, Mark. The word fillet is pronounced, "fill-lay" not "fill-let".
Must go there
Oh! A Booger!……..Oh!?
2:36 i was drooling long before you even said that
Those veggies with the steak looked quite sad and overcooked…The steak was not medium rare it was 100% rare
I don't like this guy, it looks so much pretentious.
If you mutilate my steak like that i'll shank you.
He gets really awkward around others
this dude's literally the happiest man alive
Kinda too rare for me.
What kind of drug makes one smile all the time like he does? This isnt normal
You talking to yourself ?
when he will be fat???
Its terrible to see a person eating steak in japan with a cap on his head!
cries in poverty
Tbh I don’t like meat like that it has to be well done or I’m not eating at all
i hate ur facial reactions….you'll eat the simplest thing and act like youre nutting
A meat that deserves a moment of silence!!! Lelz haha
He compares everything to butter.
Raw meat
Awesome…..wiens rocks
The sarcastic reaction of the guy on the right is worth watching this whole video ?
didnt respect the meal with his hat on IMO
I like the way Mark rolls his eye balls. ???
This place is culinary heaven.
You always cutting wrong way, Mark!!!
Start using the write way ,mate!!!!