Ultimate Retarded Drivers Fails and Road Rage 2017 Caught on Dash Cam, Epic Driving Fails 2017 #637 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation (Car Crashes & Road Rage) – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE || ROAD FIGHT – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE & CAR CRASHES – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.”
The person who made the video at 11:15 has no chance of ever getting hired to record news.
Russia pieces of shit to drive
WTF is wrong with these idiot russians? Running red lights, break checking people, cutting people off running through pedestrians, how do they get/keep their license ?
You gotta stop including the vertical videos in these clips. Morons who don't know how to hold a camera will never learn otherwise.
Idiot Russians.
Do they take driving tests in Russia or do they just get a free license when they buy a car?
10:28 The police would ask the same of a driver if he acted like that – and arrest him.
What I see is a lack of driving experience. Not predicting what may happen ahead. In the USA we have generational driving experience. We all grew up ridding in cars until it's time to drive. But, in the whole world, people have to care and many do not, in Russia it is crazy but give them 2 more generation and they will suck like american drivers do. Russians are crazy for dash cams, why we see so much from there. Like the vids keep them coming!
In Thailand you can see all these accidents in a single day.
that guy has to be dead…. 02:47
8:42 sounds like funeral music
3:21 Fred Flinstone brakes haaaaaaaa
Love the intro…guy on the bike doesn't even flinch lmao
Harassing the bike cops XD
2:53 Casually a Lamborghini passing by
Damn that last one with the bridge collapsing on that truck ?
How can u sleep knowing that the majority of your vids are stolen?
3:00 wake up wake upp!! kup kup kuup!! wtf?!
In Russia you don't brake your car, your car brake you.
If your a car enthusiast you'll think about your car first not yourself lol
My favorite is at 2:49
russians have SHIT for brains (look at their driving skills and president!!!).
For the love of god pls be alert behind the wheel, I almost got hit today by someone who obviously wasn't alert