Stuart Brown, a physician and clinical researcher who founded the National Institute for Play, describes Norbert Rosing’s striking images of a wild polar bear playing with sled dogs.
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Stuart Brown, a physician and clinical researcher who founded the National Institute for Play, describes Norbert Rosing’s striking images of a wild polar bear playing with sled dogs.
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Brian Ladoon needs to be stopped!
these dogs are so terrified, they won't even bark.
And how did they know it was starving? I call bullshit. Wasn't starving it was just playing. Why make it more crazy than it has to be. They didn't track it for 4 months so how could they come up with that nonsense.
Stuart Brown must consider that there is no tied pray in nature. Polar bears use to catch their pray and their pray’s fear urge their killing instinct.
These dogs are trained unnaturally. They are tied all their life and therefore they don’t have fear for any danger coming from outside when they are tied.
Bear is facing with unnatural fact. That is all. The thing you are watching is not natural, don’t trick yourself. To create opinions along with nature is just blindness…
I wrote about this play of the polar bear and the husky in my book, The Five Keys To Mindful Communication, and it is so good to see this video. I first saw this in National Geographic in 1992.
a picture is worth a thousand words. shut up
*Stage right.
Sometime Animals display far more intelligence than our fellow Humans !!
It was a bit of a turn off that the narrator said the polar bear hand't eaten in awhile. That's somewhere between he has no clue or he's out rite lying because there's no way of telling and if anything the bear looks real plump ands healthy. This makes a beautiful moment look like a possible lie. I would like to see a video otherwise i'm still left wondering if it's all photo shopped.
In north central MN, when I used to go camping/fishing, I commonly saw raccoons and skunks paired up, in what seemed to be friendship, cooperative activities. I always find natural interspecies relationships fascinating.
smoke some more, mr happy.
These photo's were actually taken by Naturalist, David Webster, shown on Chris Packham's "Nature's Weirdest".
It just seemed like it could have been faked, that's all. Maybe using the PhotoShop?
Oh so the bear is stupid and thinks they are bears? Idiot, it knows they are canines, it just doesn't have a problem, as you seem to.
No, bears do this, wolves/dogs aren't their prey animals, they recognise them as fellow predators, there wasn't 'a relationship' the photogrpager Norbert Rosing, said the bear just came by and he was expecting it to attack his sled dogs. It's been noted before with wolves.
How strange of you. It's humans I have problems with, I like all animals – they are honest.
Real of course. Man is the most vicious dangerous predator on this planet. Polar bears play with wolves, so why not Huskies. It's lonely out there for a polar bear.
Is this real or fake?
These are Brian Ladoon's Canadian Eskimo dogs in Churchill MB. I grew up here. The relationship is symbiotic and can be seen most years.
Thanks for sharing
If the dogs didn't have the leash, I bet they'd have run away times ago.
the animals got along just fine….right up until man stepped in and "removed" the Polar Bears. The next Bears that came through hadnt formed a relationship with the dogs and slaughtered them.
Just loved it …. If they can have this much of love and understanding of co-existence – why can't we learn the same???
if you think of it huskys look like baby polar bear… especially around the nose.
dogs are every animal's best friend now…. hehehe… cats excluded of course.
i thought this was going to be a video. i am very disappointed.
thats pretty cool,, I saw on a documentary before,, that this is a very common reaction between polar bears and sled dogs,
Seen more videos of huskies being eaten by polar bears than not.
@misanthrope8 The polar bear was wild…
Bear doesn't need to eat the dog. Why would he when he can eat the dog food that gets put out for these dogs!!
Hey this is nice, something u don't get to see that often
Nice husky
Does this mean there is no purpose in nature?
We say the purpose of ducks with webbed feet is to survive; its not the purpose, those with webbed feet made it out of the water.
Was the purpose of those without webbed feet to die?
I am studying animal behavior, and this part is odd. 😉
huskies? perhaps you meant malamute.
the lepard lyeth with the lamb wow maby theres some truth in the bible
cute !! adorable very unusual 🙂
Were all the huskies male? Would bear have eaten a bitch? "Play" is a human term, and can't really know what the motivation was with these animals. We know that kitten "play" is practice for actual stalking/killing. Maybe the bear was hoping the dogs would share food! I wonder if the dogs smelled of meat?
Brown kept saying "this happened in NATURE" and yet the dog was chained. Hardly a "wild" thing. Yet domesticated animals are part of "nature" too, eh, just like the iPhone.
@blabblab1212 LOL
nobody knows unless somebody will invent a "translator thingy" hehehe that will translate what animals would say.