Two dogs in the sewer cried for help until someone heard them!!!

Two dogs in the sewer cried for help until someone heard them!!!
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Winn and Dixie were so lucky that Citlaly Rodriguez and Isaac Barajas heard their cry for help down in the L.A river, and called Hope For Paws for help.

When Loreta Frankonyte and I arrived, we worked with these two awesome kids and together we completed this rescue mission.

Thank you Wags and Walks for finding them such an amazing home!

We just posted another new video, but you’ll have to go to our website to see it:



#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #Dogs


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  1. ?♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️?I love animals and I love u people who r kind and compassionate to animals!..
    God blessings to all of u.. Thank you so much..
    Thank u Lord, for giving them a chance..

  2. Hasta donde llega la maldad de la gente como para botar estos animalitos a la calle, que mal corazón tienen muchas personas, que falta sentimientos, corazones de piedra, que no les corren sangre, sino caca por las venas.
    Sólo provoca es llorar de ver tanta maldad de los seres humanos.
    Son hermosos, tengo seis mascotas todos recogidos de la calle, los tenemos como ellos se lo merecen, y son la adoración de la casa, nos llenan el corazón de tanto amor, son la mejor y compañía más grande y hermosa que uno puede tener, y con el amor más grande e incondicional hacia nosotros.
    Los adoro son mi debilidad.
    Por favor más responsabilidad hacia estas criaturas indefensas.

  3. Video’s Comment at 1:08 min should be says: “ The two dogs were a little nervous, but ……

    Loreta was there”

    All you guys are awesome , but Lisa and Loreta are amazing…!!!!

  4. You guys / girls are just Heroes. I could watch your vids. all day long but it's so heart breaking to see animals treated like they were. Please keep up the good work when you can. Thks

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