It’s that time again! This week we have a trust fall gone wrong, a mishap with an ATV, and more! Submit your videos to FailArmy.com and you could win $1,000!
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The title was meant to thrust fails right?
0:26 what is this song?
Fucking give it a fucking rest with the slow motion
cut the slow mo bullshit
Wait, people pay other people to stand there and count how many times they jump on a box? tf.
1:57 naaaaaaww
5:32 Typical college students… Chad vs the fat kid who really doesn't wanna be there but doesn't wanna be on his own either so he participates in stupid shit like this lmao
2.05 is that Jesus
Check out my vids?
Not funny at all
https://www.twitch.tv/shotorou – помогите набрать аудиторию начинающему стримеру
ada-ada saja kelakuan orang-orang di negara maju
I would hate to be friends with anyone at that last party.
抠出来就能 ?????
What are you thinking. I typed random Chinese latters nothing else.
Is it bad if I saw 2:38 like 1000 times?
4:22 nice
3:08 LMAO?????
2:45 Im guessing he fractured his pelvis and got his guts crushed.
2:39 ahahahaha
1:59 snow jesus
stop using slow mo and rewinds. its annoyin!
1:25 we used to do a lot of jumps like this as kids back in 1995, and I really don't understand to this very day:
Is it really that hard to not break your bones?
You just put your weight to the back I mean.. you know, it's just natural. or I dunno. So many people crash in these videos on like 5 centimeter high jumps with 10 KM/H, like how do you do that? How do you fail on those, like at 1:16
I just don't… get it.. I don't
Hello! Can I please have the link for the video at 1:25? Thanks!
1:58 How exactly is this a "fail"? Anyone can do this all day long, because it was done on purpose. You are either running out of material, or just losing touch.
Guy on the slide ???
In which way are these trust fails
None of these were very funny
5:02 🙁
Is no one gonna talk about how this bitch set her face on fire 1:51
No more snow fails please….
i love watching fails but i am bored of the snow,snowboard and ski ones ^^ no plan why !!!
Best Greetings !!!
Fail army fucking sucks now. Did y’all hire a new guy?
"Agora Vamos Virar? Tiboom"
"De novo Mãe?"
2:40 how to make an Asian pancake ???
5:15 "again? But, again?" Cries
This was crazy!
De novo mãe
At 2:43 how the hell that guy even think about that he could handle him
1:52 you lit bro