![NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES best of 2018 [FailForceOne]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/NEAR-DEATH-EXPERIENCES-best-of-2018-FailForceOne.jpg)
Near death experiences and close calls captured by gopro and camera compilation. Best of 2018. All people survive. Don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe. http://bit.ly/2m2Gsfl
All stunts are performed by professionals, don’t try this at home, kids.
I’m on facebook https://www.facebook.com/FailForceOne/
Hello guys! Just created new Fail Force Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx7JhlHOTureejedrfaqljw
It is going to be a bit YT friendly because of the latest restrictions. Please check it out and don't forget to subscribe.
Thank You for the support!
8:55 YOU HAD One JOB ONE!!!
Wtf is a brown bear doing in the snow
That fucking bear would destroy you.
The guy on the glider did not care one bit if that other guy fell…that’s so unsettling
The unattached idiot on the hang glider should have remembered NOT to shift their weight around. Also, grabbing on his leg is no safer than holding onto that bar. Worse in fact since he has to be he one shifting to steer.
Also, holding your hand around someone else's hand on that bar while they're deadweight on it is NOT going to help them keep their grip.
Good way to getting killed is to panic. Those two are lucky.
What happened to the guys in the boat?
0:35 that bear was just moving out of the way, But I get it, just because its a bear and its all big and stuff and it was close to them people automatically assume the bear is trying to kill them.
The one about the guy in the forklift the reason the happened was because he was Hella lazy like if you agree
Did that guy just fight a fuckin bear
8:30 no injuries ? Bro his boss is gonna kill him
8.45 is like that episode of spongbob where he kept breaking shells in angry jacks warehouse
Ion kno if it's just me high af or this whole video got me praying for these people to live
I didn't see no evidence of that snow boarding guy surviving…
7:27 is dead right? I know it says he lives, but cmon.
8:40 you wanna say he isn’t dead?
Respect for the guys at 7:20 they waited until absolutely necessary to shoot those bears
Not sure why the hanglider guy didn't let go at the beginning ??♂️. But if that was me?! I would've shit and pissed on myself ????
8:33 so how he survived looking at the description saying all survived
5:52 OH NO
biking through a curved train tunnel lmao okie doke
The last one was hella funny
2:15 lets just land right over here for your safety.
2:19 hahah fuck you just kidding hold on for dear life!!!
LMFAOO the bear attack
Big big hapeends
ok idk how they work but i feel like why the fuck didnt they land the glider sooner? like surely it was obvious he wasnt attached properly right? like stick it into a tree or some shit lolol
in the uhh paragliding thing or whatever video.. that moment when you have prime moments to land so you can get the person hanging for their life to attach themselves but instead u turn and continue gliding
I would have loved to see that hunter getting mauled to death.
The first one gave me a heart attack